
Reclaim your strength, vitality and joy in menopause and beyond


6 weeks of expert guidance and community to unlock your best self -- Feel revitalized and more in control NOW!

Join Ready, Set, SOAR!

Looking for something specific?

What's Included
Success Stories


"I have more energy throughout the day now that I've started strength training and my rowing splits have improved too!"

Anne M.,Ā Ready, Set, Soar alumna

Ready, Set, SOAR! focuses on 5 pillars of your well-being so you can stay strong & get your mojo back!


And when I say ā€˜strongā€™ and ā€˜mojoā€™, I mean being someone who:

Feels confident about their eating choices - and feels strong & energized, not squishy and tired!
Is strong and knows it, with the confidence that her body will support her in whatever challenges she sets for herself.

Does what she wants, when she wants - whether that means solo traveling to Paris (and putting her own darn luggage in the overhead compartment!), climbing a mountain or raking leaves in her yard.

Getting the clarity youā€™ve been looking for to cut through the noise - and the certainty that it is putting you on the right, unique path for YOU.Ā 

You deserve to feel confident and powerful.Ā 

Letā€™s widen your view of whatā€™s possible!


Each week, weā€™ll dive into one of the following areas:

Ā Deep Self CareĀ 

Learn how to listen to and trust what your body is telling you - and give it what it needs!

Ā SleepĀ 

Sometimes the smallest tweaks make the biggest difference, and will help you find energy in all areas of life!

Ā FitnessĀ 

Find a routine that works for you, and incorporates all the elements of fitness that you need as a menopausal woman so that you can do more, for longer!

Ā Stress Management & ResilienceĀ 

Our generation is no stranger to stress - and the health considerations are real. Learn to manage stress and use it to your advantage to make you stronger!

Ā NutritionĀ 

As our hormones change, so should what we eat. Learn how to find a balance that makes you feel fueled, while eating the foods you love!


You'll have a deep understanding of what works for YOU

and an implementation planĀ that will help you continue your healthy habits and keep making progress through the following months & years!


Join the "Menopause Mavericks" who have reclaimed control over their livesĀ by focusing on these same 5 pillars ofĀ wellness


"I'mĀ not snacking on junk food and eating ice cream all the time like I used to."Ā Ā 

Nancy R., Ready, Set, Soar alumna


You need support, accountability, and a plan to move forward!

Join Ready, Set, Soar!

We begin on October 22, 2024

Thatā€™s why your investment includes:

Choose the option thatā€™s best for you:

For the menopausal or postmenopausal woman ready for her health journey to ā€˜clickā€™:



  • 6 weekly group coaching calls with a maximum of 20 of your fellow Menopause Mavericks where youā€™ll get sleep, fitness, and nutrition advice specifically for your life!

  • Two 1:1 calls with Sarah Fuhrmann: The first call helps you to get the most from your time in the program. The second call finalizes your implementation Flight Plan so you have accountability and clear next steps after the program ends.

  • A 6-week workout program (usually $150) that incorporates balance, cardio, and strength (without it becoming a full-time commitment to the gym!).

  • Custom checklists and trackers to help you keep track of and reward yourself for your new daily and weekly habits - and see where you can course-correct for results!


  • 1 yearĀ in the private Soar Community after Ready, Set, SoarĀ - so you have ongoing accountability to follow through on your custom plan, and stay connected to the community of menopause mavericks!

Total investment: $1000Ā $497

Join Ready, Set, Soar

Ā For the menopausal or postmenopausal woman whoĀ  prefers a private, upleveled experience:



Limited to 3 action-takers - when these spots are gone, theyā€™re gone!


Everything in the Group version PLUS:Ā 


  • Weekly 1:1Ā private mentoring calls with Sarah Fuhrmann (usually $900) so youā€™ll have:
    • The flexibility to cover each topic in an order that feels most relevant to you.
    • Expanded, personalized access to my approach, while building on what you know about your body and enjoy doing.Ā 
  • Rapid-response daily access to Sarah through a voice-chat app for further personal coaching outside of our weekly calls (usually $500)

  • A custom nutrition OR workout plan (usually $500)

Total investment: $2000 $1,297

Book an Info Call

What progress can you make faster and easier with Sarah in the VIP Track?

ā†’Ā Need help monetizing your expertise so you can make this business pay you what you deserve?Ā 

We will review your revenue streams and make sure your offerings maximize the value of your expertise with the least amount of effort from you.

ā†’Ā Not sure how and how much to pay yourself consistently?

Weā€™ll determine your personal finance and tax needs against your new profit plan and create a strategy so you can take home more money every month.

ā†’Ā Need more consistent revenue or a ā€œprofit bumpā€ to carry you for the next 3 months?Ā 

Weā€™ll create a new or improved revenue stream that can be your ā€œgo-toā€ for recurring or occasional needed revenue.

ā†’Ā Last and certainly not leastā€¦ Need a real mindset resetĀ 

so you get out of your own way? Weā€™ll release the old money stories blocking your business growth and clear the path for the fast-growing business you know is possible!

This is NOT for everyone. Only 3 spots available!

Join The Waitlist


You have two options:

1. Get Old

Your bone density continues to decrease with lack of exercise and poor diet. Youā€™ll start leaning on a cane sooner than later, and those ā€˜first time for everythingā€™ moments will become a memory as you take aging as it comes to you.

2.Ā Take Charge

You become the best version of yourself, every single day. Youā€™ll ā€˜go out with skid marksā€™ as you try new things that challenge you, and create memories with the people you love for years to come. You become an even more powerful person.

ā€œThe more I make the right decisions the more I feel more powerful - more in control!ā€

-Vicki, Ready, Set, Soar alumna

Donā€™t let aging ā€˜just happenā€™ - take control of it!

Join Ready, Set, SOAR!

We begin onĀ October 22, 2024

Hi, Iā€™m Sarah!

Iā€™ve been in the fitness industry forĀ more than 15 years - You know, back when there was no information for women in this stage?

Now, thereā€™s ALL of the informationĀ  for women our age - but it all feels really confusing:

ā€œEat more protein!Ā ... but not that kind of protein!ā€Ā 

ā€œDo more cardio! ā€¦but donā€™t work too hard.ā€Ā 

ā€œGet 10,000 steps per day ā€¦ but be sure to rest.ā€Ā 

ā€œGet more sleep! ā€¦but if youā€™re sluggish, youā€™re probably sleeping too much.ā€

Who to listen to?Ā 
What to do?
How do you know if the advice that sounds right is right for your body?

You will make small tweaks that make a BIG impact on your life

My certifications in menopause, nutrition, indoor rowing, functional aging, and sleep, stress, and recovery have taught me that everything is connected.Ā 

While you may know me as an indoor rowing instructor and CEO of UcanRow2, Iā€™ve also had my own journey with weight loss/food, was hit hard by menopause, and have experienced the myriad stressors that come with midlife.Ā 

What Iā€™ve learned? There is ALWAYS an opportunity to improve your health and wellness. And often, all you need is a small change in one area to impact the rest!


"Making the little changes I've made in this program has given me the confidence to say, 'I want to make a big change,' and now I have the courage to do it."

Sonia K.,Ā Ready, Set, Soar alumna

Take it from someone who has been right where you areĀ 

Iā€™ll give practical, non-judgemental advice likeā€¦



ā€œYour hormones are created in response to your environment. Letā€™s make a small tweak to your diet and stress management to see if that helps your hot flashes.ā€


ā€œJust take HRT!ā€
ā€œItā€™s hard going through a career change, body change, and empty nesting all at the same time. What would feel like a good way to manage your stress?ā€


ā€œHave you tried meditating?ā€

ā€œBoth cardio and strength training are super important for your bone density and balance as you age. Here are a couple science-based exercises we can try together.ā€


ā€œI have a great YouTube video of an older lady doing some chair yoga. Iā€™ll send it to you!ā€

ā€œGoals change as we age, as does what we need to do to reach them. Letā€™s find your right mix that will get you to the goals you have NOW.Ā 


ā€œJust get more sleep! You should try taking more baths.ā€

ā€œWeight loss is harder after menopause, but definitely not impossible. Letā€™s put all of the tools to create a formula that gets you results AND feels sustainable over the long haul.


ā€œForget it. Weight loss is impossible now. Just buy bigger clothes!ā€

Get ready for a new, better YOU!

The ultimate act of self-care is putting your needs first.

Join Ready, Set, SOAR!

We begin on October 22, 2024


Before joining, others have asked:

You can make this the healthiest, mostĀ inspired season of your life.Ā 

Iā€™ll help you get there. All you have to do is make the decision to join me.

Join Ready, Set, SOAR!

We begin on October 22, 2024